Hesitation leads to Procrastination

What is hesitation? and why we procrastinate in pursuance of our dream ambitions, which we desperately want in our life to achieve.

These are the questions which I, often, ponder upon to figure out their answers. But, in the meantime, I get astray and can't find appropriate answers. 

As we all have heard about the most common psychiatric illnesses; anxiety and depression. But maybe, most of us are not well-aware of their severity and how prevalent these disorders are in present times.

The purpose of mentioning mental illnesses above is to pave the way for my arguments for hesitation. Which, firstly, I would elaborate in accordance with the insight and observations I have. 

Hesitation, actually, is not a tangible thing which we can touch or see, but we can feel only. It doesn't exist in the physical world, but in our minds. In our brains, we do transformations by adopting different habits which carved deep patterns into our brains. And in all this process, the physical environment around us, where we dwell, plays a vital role in moulding our behaviour.

 After deepening of the thinking patterns, time comes when we adopt hesitation as a habit, and we by ourselves declare boundaries to not go beyond.  We use to anchor our thoughts to restrain them in limited horizons. 

Hesitation is one of those boundaries which we mark, and it clamps down our abilities to be detained in self-demarcated limits.

It can also be called phobia, which means reluctant to outset any novel task. Because in the beginning, our thoughts handicap us from taking initiative by giving different depressing conclusions. And this leads us to be stagnant and to find some self-satisfying reasons for not undertaking any initiative for the desired task.

Here the stage comes, when hesitation compels us to find another way to satisfy ourselves, and then procrastination marks its entry into our lives. And which pretends us like, we are on the right track to achieve our intended goal but, in reality, we were going in nowhere direction, except mere obscurity. We can also call it a cognitive illusion. 

 The origination of said behaviour like, where did this phobia  emerge from, and how they got incorporated into the brain.

Actually, these phobias which we carry all the time with us, were instilled into our brains in our childhood. For instance, a little kid doesn't hesitate to do any kind of task, but why does the same kid, in his/her teenage or adolescence, start showing reluctance in taking initiative of any anonymous task, which is out of his routine job.

This behaviour is, actually, learned one not inherited. And this also falls in the domain of Emotional intelligence (EQ), which can be learned and developed. Our EQ is imperative for our resourcefulness and mostly in social and intimate relations we also utilize this intelligence. 

The beauty of EQ is this, that we can learn or unlearn any behaviour or habit during any phase of life. But for this learning or unlearning, we are required to undergo steady and regular practice of needed habits. Because our habits build our behaviour and then develop our personality. 

In the same way, if we feel necessary to overcome our hesitancy of showing unwillingness to take initiative of any sort, about which we have ideas in our minds, but we feel frozen to take first step in the course of selected goal. Then  apparently the solution is simple, but not easy. We must need to do the practice of taking initiative or first step, even a tiny one, towards our ambitions.

Practice is merely a remedy for breaking the braces, which we gripped tightly around our own thoughts, and do not allow our thinking ability to progress.  It gives the confidence to doer for stifling hesitation and persuading his/her goal. By using this formula, we can get rid of procrastination, which is no less perilous than hesitation. 


  1. Please give feedback, if you find it feasible. And what idea you grasp out it.

  2. This article is something I wanted to read .. This is making me see the loopholes within myself. Amazingly written hamza

    1. Thanks, glad to know this is what you were looking for and it made you feel less burdened. And also stirred you to introspect yourself for better answers.


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